Hey there, property owners!

If you have ever experienced a hailstorm, you know how unnerving it can be, especially when it comes to your roof. Those little balls of ice might seem harmless at first, but they can pack a punch, leaving behind damage that is not always easy to spot.

As roofing experts, we have seen our fair share of hail-damaged roofs, and we are here to share some tips on how to care for your roof and prevent further damage.

First things first, after a hailstorm, take a walk around your property and inspect your roof for any signs of damage. Look for dents, cracks, or missing shingles. Even small damage can lead to bigger issues down the road, so it is essential to address it promptly.

If you spot any damage, don’t panic! Reach out to a professional roofing company like us at Over The Top Roofing for a thorough inspection. Our team of experts will assess the extent of the damage and recommend the best course of action.

When it comes to maintaining your roof, prevention is key. Regular inspections and maintenance can help catch small issues before they escalate into costly repairs. Keep your gutters clean and clear of debris, trim overhanging branches, and inspect your roof at least once a year.

In addition to proactive maintenance, investing in high quality roofing materials can also help protect your home from hail damage. Consider impact resistant shingles or metal roofing, which are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions.

At Over The Top Roofing, we understand the importance of protecting your home and your investment. That is why we offer free inspections to property owners like you. So why wait? Reach out to us today to schedule your appointment and give your roof the care it deserves.

Remember, when it comes to hail damage, don’t DIY it – leave it to the experts! With the right care and maintenance, you can keep your roof in tip top shape for years to come.

Stay dry and stay safe, folks!

** Call (940) 391-6773 to schedule an appointment